
Birds Information Vidoes

Indian Pitta

Bird Name: Indian Pitta Scientific Name: Pitta brachyura Date of Video: June 2020 Location: Jhilmil Jheel Conservation Reserve, Haridwar Video by: Krishna Avtar

Spotted Owlet

Bird Name: Spotted Owlet Scientific Name: Athene brama Date of Video: June 2020 Location: Jhilmil Jheel Conservation Reserve, Haridwar Video by: Krishna Avtar


एक परिचर्चा बर्ड वाचिंग उत्तराखंड प्रदेश में  सरोकार कार्यक्रम, उत्तराखंड दूरदर्शन द्वारा |  चर्चा प्रतिभाग: श्री अजय शर्मा, श्री अजय भट्ट , श्री प्रदीप सक्सेना 

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Bird Name: Rose-ringed Parakeet Scientific Name: Psittacula krameri Date of Video: 3rd March, 2020 Location: Jhilmil Jheel Conservation Reserve, Haridwar Video by: Krishna Avtar Observation Activity: Matting

Spotbill and Rudy Shell Duck

Bird Name: Spotbill Duck Scientific Name: Anas poecilorhyncha Bird Name: Ruddy shelduck Scientific Name: Tadorna ferruginea Date of Video: 3rd March, 2020 Location: Jhilmil Jheel Conservation Reserve, Haridwar Video by: Krishna Avtar

Red-naped Ibis

Bird Name: Red-naped Ibis Scientific Name: Pseudibis papillosa Date of Video: 3rd March, 2020 Location: Jhilmil Jheel Conservation Reserve, Haridwar Video by: Krishna Avtar

Tailor Bird

Bird Name: Tailor Bird Scientific Name: Orthotomus sutorius Date of Video: 2nd March, 2020 Location: Kunjapuri, Rishikesh Video by: Krishna Avtar

Cinereous Vulture

Bird Name: Cinereous Vulture Scientific Name: Aegypius monachus Date of Video: 3rd March, 2020 Location: Jhilmil Jheel Conservation Reserve, Haridwar Video by: Krishna Avtar

Changeable Hawk Eagle

Bird Name: Changeable Hawk Eagle Scientific Name: Nisaetus cirrhatus Date of Video: 6th February, 2020 Location: Chilla, Rajaji National Park Video by: Krishna Avtar